S e t t i n g sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 51Data calls only—The devicereceives only data calls.Fax calls only—The devicereceives only fax calls.2. When you are finished receivingthe fax or data call, repeat Steps1 and 2 and select Normal.Data transferTo view the transmission speedwhen sending or receiving data orfax calls, in standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Call settings >Data/fax calls > Data rate display >Graphic or Off.Call SummaryYour device can display the timespent on a call when you hang up.In the standby mode, select Menu >Settings > Call settings > Callsummary > On or Off.■ Phone settingsPhone language1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Settings > Phone settings >Phone language.2. Select the language of yourchoice.The language setting may affect thetime and date formats of the clock,alarm clock, and calendar.Automatic keyguardYou can set the keypad of yourdevice to lock automatically after apreset time delay.1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Settings > Phone settings >Automatic keyguard > On or Off.2. If you select On, Set delay: isdisplayed.3. Enter the delay time (in minutesand seconds), and select OK.When keyguard is on, it may bepossible to dial the emergencynumber programmed into yourdevice.DTMF tonesDTMF tones are the tones that soundwhen you press the keys on yourdevice keypad. You can use DTMFtones for many automated dial-upservices such as banking and airlinesor for entering your voice mailboxnumber and password.DTMF tones are sent during an activecall. You can send them manuallyfrom your device keypad, or sendthem automatically by saving themin your device.