![Nortel 2350 Installation And Basic Configuration Manual Manual pdf 110 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3979502/67fe725ec850e1d1b85b5a19aa5d142c110f.jpg)
110 Configuring a 2370, 2360, or 2380 Switch for Basic Service320656-ATo create a service profile and assign an SSID to it, use the following command:set service-profile name ssid-name ssid-nameTo display a service profile, use the following command:show service-profile nameThe following commands configure a service profile named corp1, and assign encrypted SSID private_wlan to it:2370# set service-profile corp1 ssid-name private_wlansuccess: change accepted.2370# set service-profile corp1 ssid-type cryptosuccess: change accepted.Configuring a Radio ProfileA radio profile is a named set of radio parameters that you can apply to multiple radios. A radio profile can contain infor-mation for two types of SSIDs:tkip-mc-time 60000 Uses Michael countermeasures for60,000 ms (60 seconds) followingdetection of a second MIC failurewithin 60 seconds.web-aaa-form Not configured For Web-based AAA users, serves thedefault login web page or, if configured,the SSID-specific login web page.wep key-index No keys defined Uses dynamic WEP rather than staticWEP.Note: If you configure a WEP key forstatic WEP, WSS Software continues toalso support dynamic WEP.wep active-multicast-index 1 Uses WEP key 1 for static WEPencryption of multicast traffic if WEPencryption is enabled and keys aredefined.wep active-unicast-index 1 Uses WEP key 1 for static WEPencryption of unicast traffic if WEPencryption is enabled and keys aredefined.wpa-ie disable Does not use the WPA IE in transmittedframes.Table 9.Defaults for Service Profile Parameters (continued)Parameter DefaultValueRadio Behavior WhenParameter Set To DefaultValue