84 Configuring a 2370, 2360, or 2380 Switch for Basic Service320656-ATo verify the changes, use the following commands:show timezoneshow summertimeshow timedateshow ntpThe following commands configure the timezone as PST (Pacific Standard Time) with an offset of -8 hours from UTCand enable the standard summertime offset and name it PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). Additional commands configurean NTP server and enable the WSS’s NTP client.2370# set timezone PST -8success: change accepted.2370# set summertime PDTsuccess: change accepted.2370# set ntp server set ntp enablesuccess: NTP Client enabledThe following commands display time and date parameters and the current time and date:2370# show timezoneTimezone is set to 'PST', offset from UTC is -8:0 hours.2370# show summertimeSummertime is enabled, and set to 'PDT'.Start : Sun Apr 04 2004, 02:00:00End : Sun Oct 31 2004, 02:00:00Offset : 60 minutesRecurring : yes, starting at 2:00 am of first Sunday of Apriland ending at 2:00 am on last Sunday of October.2370# show ntpNTP client: enabledCurrent update-interval: 20(secs)Current time: Fri Feb 06 2004, 12:02:57Timezone is set to 'PST', offset from UTC is -8:0 hours.Summertime is enabled.Last NTP update: Fri Feb 06 2004, 12:02:46NTP Server Peer state Local State--------------------------------------------------- SYSPEER SYNCED2370# show timedateFri Feb 06 2004, 12:03:04 PST