Network Call Redirection Page 1343 of 1814International ISDN PRI Feature description and administrationFeature interactionsCall Forward, Break-In and Hunt Internal or External NetworkWideThe treatment of a call following a call transfer (Call Forward/Hunt by CallType) is based on the transferring set and the call originator’s set. The setdisplay on network call modification or redirection does not change.DPNSS1 Route Optimisation/MCDN Trunk Anti-TromboningInterworkingIf Network Call Redirection is not configured in a DPNSS1/MCDN gateway,the displays are updated normally, since the RO/TAT Interworking feature isnot affected.If Network Call Redirection is not configured in an MCDN/DPNSS1gateway, the displays are not updated on the bridged sets on the MCDN side.However, if the bridged sets are on the same node, the displays are updated,even though NCRD is not configured.EuroISDN Trunk - Network SideIt is possible to have a set Call Forward, Call Forward No Answer or Hunt toan external number over a EuroISDN Trunk - Network Side connectivityISDN PRI or ISDN BRI trunk. It is also possible to transfer or conference acall to an external number over a EuroISDN Trunk - Network Sideconnectivity ISDN PRI or ISDN BRI trunk. Access restrictions may blocksome transfers from being completed.Notices of call redirection or call modification are not transmitted over aEuroISDN Trunk - Network Side connectivity.INIT ACD Queue Call RestoreCall information associated with Network Call Redirection is lost aftersystem initialization and call restoration.ISDN QSIG Basic CallWhen a call is terminated on the Meridian 1 and Network Call Redirection(NCR) is active, the QSIG Basic Call can still operate; however, the originalcalled number and redirection number IE that are used by NCR will not besent on the QSIG interface.