Calling Party Privacy Override Page 513 of 1814International ISDN PRI Feature description and administrationLast Number RedialThe Last Number Redial (LNR) feature stores the CPPO Flexible FeatureCode in the LNR database if the CPPO Flexible Feature Code was includedin the last number dialed by the user. The outgoing redialed calls also sendthe Privacy Override Indicator to the far end.Incoming Trunk Programmable Calling Line IdentificationWhen the incoming trunk route is a non-ISDN route, the billing number(CLID) assigned by the incoming trunk route is passed to the CO with thePresentation Indicator field set to “Presentation Allowed”, if the outgoingISDN trunk route has the TCPP prompt set to NO.When the incoming trunk route is an ISDN route, the “Allowed” PresentationIndicator is tandemed to the outgoing trunk route. If the PresentationIndicator is set to “Presentation Allowed” or no Calling Party Number IE isreceived on the incoming trunk route, the billing number assigned by theincoming trunk route is passed to the CO with the Presentation Indicator fieldset to “Presentation Allowed”, if the incoming trunk route has the BillingNumber Display (BDSP) prompt set to YES or NO.ISDN Signaling LinkCPPO treats an ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) call in the same manner as anISDN trunk call.Malicious Call TraceAn incoming call to a set with the Malicious Call Trace (MCT) featureactivated includes the Terminal Number (TN) of the calling party in the MCTrecord, whether or not the caller has requested CPPO.Meridian 911An incoming 911 call with Automatic Number Identification (ANI)information always displays the ANI digits on the terminating set or passesthe ANI information to the Meridian 911.Meridian Interactive Voice ResponseAn incoming ISDN call with the CLID Presentation Indicator set to“Allowed” sends the CLID to the Meridian Interactive Voice Response (IVR)if the CPP package is equipped.