Advice of Charge Page 153 of 1814International ISDN PRI Feature description and administrationConferenceWhenever an ISDN CO trunk providing AOC is added into a conference, thecharge for the call continues to be assigned to the station user who initiatedthe conference. If the person who adds the call to the conference disconnectswhile the conference is ongoing, the DN to be charged is changed to the onethat has been in the conference the longest. Since this feature only providescharge information at the end of the call, the originator of the call who dropsout will not incur any charge.ConsultationIf a consultation call is established over a CO trunk providing AOC, the callis charged to the station to which the call is transferred.Data CallsMeters can be assigned to data terminals and a terminal can be charged for thecall, but the information cannot be displayed on the terminal side because thedata terminal does not have its own display.Hospital ManagementAOC information is used in the “Paid Calls Restriction” subfeature ofHospital Management. This is not fully supported as the charge appears at theend of the call. The person with the paid call restriction may actually talklonger than allowed without any indication, since the charge is not knownuntil the call is finished.HuntingChargeable calls transferred or extended to a station and redirected to anotherstation via Hunting are charged against: the “Hunted to Station”, if the“Hunted to Station” answers and the transferring party completes the transfer;or the transferring party if the call is abandoned or the transfer is notcompleted.In-band Tones and AnnouncementsIn some ISDN cases, In-band Tones or Announcements are required. In thesecases, the disconnect sequence is delayed to allow the user to hear the tonesor announcements. The charge information is not displayed, printed in theCDR record or added to the permanent meter of the set until the timer expiresor the user releases the call.