Page 732 of 1814 EuroISDN Malicious Call Identification553-2901-301 Standard 9.00 January 2002Feature operationThere are no operating procedures specified for this feature. However, theMalicious Call Identification feature is activated by one of the followingmethods, depending on the station:• From an analog (500/2500) type set, a switch-hook flash is performed,and then a SPRE code and two-digit Flexible Feature MCT access codeare dialed.• From Meridian 1 proprietary sets, the TRC feature key is pressed.• From an attendant console, the TRC feature key is pressed.The following section describes the lamp status associated with the TRC keyon Meridian 1 proprietary sets and attendant consoles.Trace Number (TRC) key lamp statusThe TRC key lamp status indicates the progress and success of the MaliciousCall Identification request signaling to the CO. The following are the lampstates:Lamp WinkingWhen the TRC key is activated, its associated lamp changes from dark towinking if the trunk involved in the call requires the signaling to be done. Thelamp remains winking until the call identification request signaling to the COhas been completed.In a Meridian Customer Defined Network (MCDN) tandem scenario, thelamp on the set which originated the call identification remains winking untila Facility message is received from the node nearest to the Central Office.The user cannot invoke MCT again while the lamp is in the winking state.Lamp LitThe lamp state changes from winking to lit If the call identification request tothe CO is successful.In an MCDN tandem scenario, the lamp changes from winking to lit if aFacility message received from the node nearest to the CO indicates that theMCID request was successful. Any further activation of the TRC key duringthis state is ignored.