Page 1694 of 1814 ISDN BRI features553-2901-301 Standard 9.00 January 2002Feature interactionsCall Forward All CallsMeridian 1 Call Forward All Calls only allows calls to a prime DN or singleappearance DN to be forwarded. For the BRI interface, the terminology ofprime DN and single appearance DN does not apply. When Call Forward hasbeen activated for a DN and Call Type, calls to the DN/Call Type areforwarded regardless of which Terminal Service Profile (TSP) that theDN/Call Type is assigned. In addition, redirecting information about the BRIterminal is delivered to the remote DN. If the remote DN is an ISDN BRIterminal, the redirecting information is passed in the Redirecting Number IEof the SETUP message to the BRI terminal.When an ISDN BRI terminal has activated the Call Forward feature, it istreated as if it is a set from the Meridian 1 activating the feature. TheMeridian 1 features that are normally applicable to the set will also beapplicable to the BRI terminal.Call Forward No AnswerBusyAs in the case of Call Forward All Calls, the National ISDN 1 Basic RateInterface (BRI) Call Forward All Calls feature takes precedence over CallForward No Answer, and Call Forward Busy.Network Call RedirectionWhen a call to the BRI interface is forwarded, the redirecting DN and thereason for call redirection are passed to the remote user if the remote user isconnected by ISDN. The redirecting information is encoded in the ISDNSETUP message for display purposes. In addition, Call Forward to anothernode from an ISDN BRI terminal is counted as one for the ISDN network CallRedirection counter which is defined in the customer data block.Call Forward and Busy StatusThis feature is not supported for ISDN BRI terminals.Remote Call ForwardRemote Call Forward allows a user to program Call Forwarding from aremote set. Call Forwarding remotely to an ISDN BRI terminal is supported.However, using Remote Call Forward from an ISDN BRI terminal is notsupported.