Call Detail Recording Enhancement Page 401 of 1814International ISDN PRI Feature description and administration• Generates CDR “X” records for stand-alone multiple call transfers onoutgoing non-PPM CO trunks, and• Generates CDR “X” records for network multiple transfers on outgoingPPM and non-PPM CO trunks. A new CDR field is introduced (BLID –Billing Line Identification) indicating the remote responsible party forthe particular call duration specified in the Call Duration field in cases ofnetwork multiple call transfers.Operating parametersNo special hardware is required for CDR X for stand-alone and networknon-PPM CO trunk scenarios. For CDR X on network PPM trunks, PPMtrunk cards are required.Feature interactionsStand-alone PPM Call TransferOne of the objectives of the Call Detail Recording Enhancement feature is tomake sure CDR “S”, “X”, and “E” records do not operate in the same manneras for stand-alone PPM. In an existing stand-alone PPM, an “S” or “X” recordis generated at the time that the originating party completes the call transferand the third party answers.With the CDR enhancement, in non-PPM stand-alone environments, the “S”and “X” records are generated upon transfer completion time. As soon as thetransfer originating party completes the call transfer, regardless of whetherthe third party answers or not, the CDR “S” or “X” record is printed. A CDR“E” record may be generated against an unanswered DN for its ringing timeuntil the far end trunk disconnects.Conference/No-hold ConferenceThe CDR Enhancement only contains improvements to call transfer records.The following table explains the interaction between Conference/No-holdConference and the CDR Enhancement feature.CDR Enhancement – Conference InteractionIn the first scenario, A calls an outgoing CO trunk, and conferences B (A, Band the CO trunk are in the same node).The same as the existing non-PPM CDR record. Stand-alone PPM maintainsexisting operation.