Chapter 5: Application Module and IPE Module error messages 255Meridian Link Release 5C/CCR Release 3C Diagnostic and Maintenance GuideTable 7maint messages that appear on the console (continued)Command Message Descriptionrstfiles No files selected You have pressed [Return] withoutselecting a file.No files available for selection No files are available to be restored.selectool: input file not found The command which invoked theselector is programmed incorrectly.Report the failure to your Nortelsupport personnel.selectool: out of memory The selector cannot obtain enoughmemory to function. Report the failureto your Nortel support personnel.selectool: unknown error: exitingA programmer error within theselector causes an unknown error.Report the failure to your Nortelsupport personnel.Note: in the messageis replaced with the actual errornumber generated.Selective restore unsuccessful The restore data operation was notsuccessful. Use the viewlogcommand to search for any applic-able errors in the SysLog file. Theproblem is most likely with the tapemedium. Verify that the tape ispositioned in the drive correctly, andthat it is write enabled. Wait for thetape drive LED to go out afterinserting the tape before executingthe command.— continued —