11How to use this manualHow to use this manualIntroductionYou can access a topic quickly through the following methods.■ Refer to the alphabetical index at the end of the manual.■ Refer to the table of contents at the beginning of this manual.Before you turn to the complete table of contents, you can also use the followingtable to find a topic quickly.The sections of this manualThe following table gives an overview of how the chapters are arranged logically.[1]Chapters Section Topics1 Introduction ■ Explanation regarding the manual and how touse it.■ Overview of available documentation■ Overview of the users of the printer.2 Get to know the system ■ General system description■ Controller■ Printer■ Finishing options3 Prepare the system for use ■ Turn the system on and off■ Define the time-outs■ Set the system language■ Configure the network settings4 Use the web basedapplication to control yourworkflowOcé Settings Editor5 Use the system Print jobs6 Ensure the best qualityoutput■ Define the output quality■ Check the output quality■ Optimise the output quality7 License Management Manage the 'Licenses'8 Maintain the system Maintenance actions on the printer9 System messages andsolutions■ System messages■ Printer messagesAppendix A Specifications ■ System specifications■ Supported media types and sizes