83The quality modesDefine the output qualityThe quality modesIntroductionThe Océ TCS300 enables you to select the correct quality mode for your outputrequirements. You can define the required quality mode in the printer driver. You candefine the default quality mode in the Océ Settings Editor.The Quality modesUse these modes to define the output quality. You can select the following.[31][31] The output qualityQuality mode Function'Check' The print speed is maximum. This quality mode is used forfast printing of (line) drawings with good output quality.For other types of jobs, like print jobs with area coverages,you can use this quality mode to check if all theinformation is visible on the printed output. For these printjobs the output quality is good.'Release' The print speed is very high. This quality mode is best fordrawings, very good for images and provides a goodcombination of output quality and productivity. In thisquality mode the printer will automatically optimise theprint quality and the productivity based on the file content.Drawings will be printed twice as fast as images, resultingin optimal productivity and quality for most customers.The Océ TCS300 further offers Dynamic switchingTechnology. In case a print job has mixed contents(drawings and images), the printer will adjust the printquality and the productivity automatically during the printprocess, without customer intervention.'Presentation' Select this quality mode if you need the best possibleoutput quality. Especially for images, posters. The printspeed is high.