914. AC Power Socket: Connect the power cable supplied withyour fax machine into this socket.15. Cable Run: When installing the optional external handset,feed the telephone line through this line run to TELterminals.16. TEL Terminals: Terminals for connecting an externalhandset, external telephone, or answering machine to the faxmachine.17. LINE Terminal: Terminal for connecting the fax machine toa telephone line.18. Expansion Slot Cover: Open this cover for access toexpansion slots for Network interface board and memoryexpansion boards19. Image Drum Unit: The image drum unit contains thephotosensitive drum, which receives images from the LEDprint head and transfers these images to the printing paper.20. Toner Cartridge: This black cylinder, installed inside theimage drum unit, contains black powder, which acts as theink for your fax machine.21. LED Print Head: This black bar is the part of your faxmachine, that transfers received or copied images onto theimage drum unit. Clean this bar each time you change atoner cartridge.14151617181ABC2 DEF3GHI4 JKL5 MN6PRS7 TUV8 WXY9* OQZ0 #AUTO RECSEARCHSELECTFUNCTIONAUTO DIALHYPHEN REDIALCOPY HOOKV. REQUESTPHOTOEX FINEFINE STDLIGHTNORMALDARKALARMSTOPSTART192021