21SYSTEM menu (continued)Item SettingNo. Superimposed No. Superimposed Descriptiondisplay display18 CHROMA 0000 –127. .. .LEVEL . .0127 0. .. .. .0255 12821 SYS H 0000 –3OFFSET 0001 –20002 –10003 00004 40005 50006 622 SYS SC/H 0000 REMOTE0001 LOCAL30 MENU 0000 OFFLOCK 0001 ONThe underline on the setting item denotes the initial setting.Video output signal adjustmentsThe SYSTEM menu item No. 03 (ENCODER SEL) and No. 22 (SYS SC/H) settings are used to make the videooutput signal adjustments. The table below shows the control matrix for these adjustments.Setting Adjustment itemVIDEO LEVELSYSTEM menu item SYSTEM menu item SYSTEM menu item CHROMA LEVEL03: ENCODER SEL 22: SYS SC/H 00: SYS SC COAR. SET UP01: SYS SC FINE HUEOFF LOCAL Unit Unit (SYSTEM menu)REMOTEON LOCAL Unit External encoder remoteREMOTE External encoder remoteFor setting the chroma level.The maximum amount by which the level can be varied is from–3 to +3 dB.For adjusting the system phase offset: 4.48 μs steps0: –13.4 μs1: –8.96 μs2: –4.48 μs3: 04: +4.48 μs5: +8.96 μs6: +13.4 μs• The setting remains unchanged even when the factorysetting operation is performed.• When this menu item is used together with SYSTEM menuitem No. 02 (SYS H) setting, the adjustment is limited to arange from –15 to +15 μs.For setting whether the system phase is to be adjusted by theunit or from the external encoder remote connector.0: The system phase is adjusted from the external encoderremote connector.1: The system phase is adjusted by the unit.• This setting remains unaffected when OFF is selected as theSYSTEM menu item No. 3 (ENCODER SEL) setting.• The range for the system phase adjustment using theencoder remote connector is –3 to +3 μs. When this menuitem is used together with SYSTEM menu item No. 021(SYS H OFFSET) setting, adjustment can be made from –15to +15 μs.This selects whether the system file lock mode is to beengaged or released.0: The lock is released (file data can be changed).1: The lock is engaged (file data cannot be changed).