7q POWER switchWhen the ON side is pressed, the power is switched on, and the counter display lights up.w Cassette insertion slote EJECT buttonWhen this is pressed, the tape is unloaded and several seconds later the cassette isautomatically ejected. When the counter display indicates “CTL”, the display is reset.r EDIT/EDIT REC/REC/REC INH lampsEDIT: This lights when the editing mode is chosen from the 9P remote control.EDIT REC: This lights when editing from the 9P remote control.REC: This lights during video recording.REC INH: This lights when the accidental erasure prevention mode has been set for thecassette. In this state, neither recording nor editing is possible.t REMOTE lampThis lights when the REMOTE/LOCAL switch has been set to the REMOTE position.y WIDE lampThis lights when the unit is in 16:9 wide screen mode.u Tape counter type displayCTL: This indicates the tape timer (control signal).TC: This indicates the time code.UB: This indicates the user bit.No lighting: The remaining tape is displayed.i SCH lampThis lights when the SCH phase of the reference video signal is within the prescribedrange.o SERVO lampThis lights when the drum servo and capstan servo have locked.!0 Channel condition lampsOne of these lamps lights in accordance with the error rate status. (Green→blue→red)Green: This lights when the error rates for the video and audio playback signals are bothacceptable.Blue: This lights when the error rate for the video or audio playback signals hasdeteriorated.The playback picture will remain normal even when this lamp lights.Red: This lights when the video or audio signals are subject to rectification orinterpolation.!1 Level metersThese indicate the PCM audio signal CH1/CH2.The audio signal indicates the input signal levels during recording and EE selection, andthe output signal levels during playback.!2 Cassette insertion display lampThis lights when a cassette has been inserted into the unit.!3 Counter displayThis displays the TC and CTL count values, on-screen information and other messages.