157Maintenance and Inspections: Warning SystemMaintenance and Inspections11. P2 Card ErrorDisplay windowindicationIf the error occurs during recording,“00:00:00:11” appears in the time codedisplay field. The indication continues toflash after recording is stopped and untilthe next operation is performed. There isno indication if the error occurs duringplayback.WARNING lampIf the error occurs during recording, thelamp flashes 4 times per second for aperiod of about 3 seconds after recordingstops. The lamp does not light if the erroroccurs during playback.Tally lampIf the error occurs during recording, thelamp flashes 4 times per second for aperiod of about 3 seconds after recordingstops. The lamp does not light if the erroroccurs during playback.ViewfinderA flashing “CARD ERR ½” appears. Inthe actual indication the ½ is replaced bythe slot number of the P2 card thattriggered the error.Warning toneIf the error occurs during recording, thetone sounds 4 times per second for aperiod of about 3 seconds after recordingstops. The tone does not sound if theerror occurs during playback.Warning description An error has occurred while recordingdata to or playing data from a P2 card.Recording/playbackoperation Stop recording or playback.Countermeasures Replace the affected P2 card.12. FAN STOPDisplay windowindication No display.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second.Tally lamp No display.Viewfinder The “FAN STOP” indicator blinks whilerecording continues.Warning tone It does not sound.Warning description The fan is at rest because something iswrong with it.Recording/playbackoperationThe unit continues to operate. However,when the unit operates with the fanstopped, then the temperature insiderises. While the unit continues to operate,clips may not be recorded or played backproperly.Countermeasures Immediately stop using the unit andconsult your distributor.13. PROXY CARD ERRORDisplay windowindication No display.WARNING lamp Flashes 4 times per second for a periodof about 3 seconds.Tally lamp Flashes 4 times per second for a periodof about 5 seconds.Viewfinder The “PROXY CARD ERROR” indicatorlight up.Warning tone It does not sound.Warning descriptionProxy recording stops because of failureon either the video encoder card or thestream.Recording/playbackoperation The unit continues to operate.Countermeasures Check the video encoder card or avoiduse of proxy recording.