63Adjustments and Settings for Recording: Setting Time DataAdjustments and Settings for RecordingThe data set for the user bits are automatically saved andretained even if the unit is turned off.If video information to be recorded based on the frame rateset through the menu option FRAME RATE or CAMERAMODE is recorded in the user bits, it can be edited withediting tools (e.g. PC editing software). In 1080i mode, theframe rate information for the user bits recorded in theVIDEO AUX area are used. In 720P mode, the videoinformation is also recorded in the sub-code area becausethe frame rate information for the user bits recorded in thesub-code area is also used.The frame rate and video pull-down menu are linked to thetime code and user bits as follows:Frame rate: 24P Over 60i (2:3)Frame rate: 24PA Over 60i (2:3:3:2)Retaining the user bitsFrame rate information recorded in user bitsFrame rate informationa. Checking information for the 6 digits at right.b. Fixed valuec. Sequence No.0 to 4: 24P, 24PAFixed at F: In all other modesd. Frame ratee. Camera shooting modeSYSTEMMODE REC FORMAT VFR CAMERAMODEAtrecordingAtplayback1080-59.94iDVCPROHD/60iAVC-I 100/60iNotapplicable60i 0 0DVCPROHD/60i30P 8 824P 8 824PA C CAVC-I 100/30PN 30P 8 8AVC-I 100/24PN 24P C 81080-23.98PsF AVC-I 100/24PN 24P C 81080-24PsF AVC-I 100/24PN 24P E A1080-50iDVCPROHD/50iAVC-I 100/50i50i 2 225P A AAVC-I 100/25PN 25P A Af. Media management informationy Updated frame/Effective frame informationy REC START/STOP marka b c e fdFor 1080iStarting field for the updated frameTime code frame digitImageSequence No.Updated frame informationTime code frame digitImageSequence No.Updated frame informationFrame rate: 30P Over 60i (2:2)25P Over 50i (2:2)Time code frame digitImageUpdated frame information00 01 02 03 04 05 06 • • • 23 24 25 26 27 28 29Co De Do De Ao Ae Bo Be Bo Ce Co De Do DeAo Ae Bo Be Bo Ce Co De Do De Ao Ae Bo Be • • •0 1 2 3 4 0 1 • • • 3 4 0 1 2 3 410 10 01 01 00 10 10 • • • 01 00 10 10 01 01 0000 01 02 03 04 05 06 • • • 23 24 25 26 27 28 29Co Ce Do De Ao Ae Bo Be Bo Ce Co Ce Do DeAo Ae Bo Be Bo Ce Co Ce Do De Ao Ae Bo Be • • •0 1 2 3 4 0 1 • • • 3 4 0 1 2 3 410 10 01 00 10 10 10 • • • 00 10 10 10 01 00 1000 01 02 • • •Ao Ae Bo Be Co Ce • • •10 10 10 • • •