Error number 5 Kernel errorError type: [KIND_SYS] System errorMeasures: [TYPE_ELS] OthersLong:Short:KernelErrorKernelErrMain cause: An error that should have not occurred in driver software has occurred.[Subcode]1: Axis operation handshake error2: System program errorAction to take: Contact us.Error number 10 Data sum errorError type: [KIND_POR] Start-up errorMeasures: [TYPE_POR] Do not start up.Long:Short:DataSumErrorDataSumErrMain cause: Destroyed data was detected during data check when the power was turned on.[Subcode]1: Parameter file2: Parts data file3: Program file4: Index correction file5: I/O logic setting file6: Index file Type B7: Absolute accuracy compensation fileAction to take: Perform the Reset All operation, and download all backup data.Error number 11 Data errorError type: [KIND_POR] Start-up errorMeasures: [TYPE_POR] Do not start up.Long:Short:DataErrorDataErrorMain cause: Data that cannot be processed was detected when the power was turned on.[Subcode]1: Basic data and adjustment data problem2: Servo constant problemAction to take: Contact us.Error number 15 Encoder errorError type: [KIND_SYS] System errorMeasures: [TYPE_SRV] Servo OFFLong:Short:EncoderErrorEncoderErrMain cause: An encoder and revolver signal problem was detected.[Subcode]1: No SIG0 signal edge2: No SIG1 signal edge3: SIG0 signal cycle problem4: SIG1 signal cycle problemAction to take: Contact us.