15Operation4. To program the next channel insequence, press PGM and repeat Steps2 and 3.FINDING AND STORINGACTIVE FREQUENCIESSearching the Service BanksYour scanner contains groups of presetfrequencies called service banks. Eachservice bank is associated with a specificactivity (see “Understanding Service Banks/Banks” on Page 10). You can search for fire/police, air, ham, and marine transmissionseven if you do not know the specificfrequencies that are used in your area. Thenyou can store the frequencies you found intothe scanner's channels or monitor memories.Note: You can use the scanner's delayfeature while searching the service banks(see “Using the Delay Function” onPage 20).The following steps describe the operation ofthe HAM, FD/PD, and AIR service banks. Tolisten to the marine bank, see “Listening tothe Marine Bank” on Page 19.1. Press BAND. The last selected bandname (such as HAM), SRCH, -b-, thefrequency and the group number (if any)appear.2. To select a different band, repeatedlypress BAND until the desired band nameappears on the display. After about 2seconds, the scanner begins searchingrapidly up or down in that band for anactive frequency.Notes:• To search through the frequencies,hold down 8888 or 9999 for a fewseconds. The scanner tunes throughthe frequencies until it finds an activefrequency .• To reverse the search direction at anytime, hold down 8888 or 9999 until thescanner reverses the searchdirection.• To search the band up or down insmall increments repeatedly pressand release 8888 or 9999(see “ServiceBanks” on Page 11).• To pause the search while receiving asignal, press and release 8888 or 9999.To continue the search, hold down 8888or 9999 for about 2 seconds.• To move quickly up or down throughthe frequencies, press and hold down8888 or 9999. The scanner tunes throughthe frequencies until you release 8888or 9999.• Use the number keys to select searchgroups.3. When the scanner finds an activefrequency, it stops searching anddisplays the frequency's number. Tostore the displayed frequency in thelowest available channel, press PGMthen press ENTER. The channel andfrequency flash twice, and the scannerstores the displayed frequency. Thescanner then continues to search forfrequencies.Notes:• If there is no empty channel, Ch-FULL appears when you press PGM.To store more frequencies, you mustclear some channels. See “Clearing aStored Channel” on Page 18. Tocontinue searching after Ch-FULLappears, press and hold down 8888 or9999.• If you entered a frequency that isalready stored in another channel, -dUPL- and the lowest-numberedchannel containing the duplicate