8Understanding Your Scannerthe scanner and connect the cable to theANT jack.Warning: Use extreme caution when youinstall or remove an outdoor antenna. If theantenna starts to fall, let it go! It could contactoverhead power lines. If the antenna touchesa power line, contact with the antenna, mast,cable, or guy wires can cause electrocutionand death. Call the power company toremove the antenna. Do not attempt to do soyourself.Caution: Do not run the cable over sharpedges or moving parts that might damage it.àUnderstanding Your ScannerOnce you understand a few simple termsused in this manual and familiarize yourselfwith your scanner's features, you can put thescanner to work for you. You simplydetermine the type of communications youwant to receive, then set the scanner to scanthem.A frequency is the tuning location of astation (expressed in kHz or MHz). To findactive frequencies, you can use the searchfunction.You can also search the service-searchbanks, which are preset groups offrequencies categorized by type of service.When you find a frequency, you can store itinto a programmable memory location calleda channel, which is grouped with your otherchannels in a channel-storage bank. Youcan then scan the channel-storage banks tosee if there is activity on the frequenciesstored there. Each time the scanner finds anactive frequency, it stays on that channeluntil the transmission ends.A LOOK AT THE CONTROLSSome of the scanner’s keys perform more than one function (such as MON/CL) and aremarked with more than one label. The steps in this Owner’s Manual show only the label on thekey appropriate to the action being performed.POWER — turns the scanner on and off.VOLUME — adjusts the volume.SQUELCH — adjusts the scanner’s sensitivityto an incoming signal.BAND — lets you search service banks.PRI/ALERT — turns the priority function onand off, or sets the scanner to WX alertmode.