16Operationfrequency flash for about 3 seconds.If you want to store the frequencyanyway, press ENTER again. You candelete the frequency later.4. To store the displayed frequency in theselected channel, press PGM, press thechannel number you want to enter thechannel and press PGM again, thenpress ENTER. The channel andfrequency flash twice, and the scannerstores the displayed frequency. Thescanner continues to search forfrequencies.5. To store the displayed frequency in themonitor memory, press MON/CL. Themonitor memory number, M, and thefrequency flash twice.6. To search for another active frequencyin the selected band, hold down 8888 or9999until the radio begins searching.7. To select a different band and search foranother active frequency, begin againfrom Step 2.Using Direct SearchDuring a direct search, the scanner searchesup or down, starting from a frequency youspecify. Follow these steps to use directsearch.Note: You can use the scanner's delayfeature while using direct search.1. Press MANUAL or PGM, then enter thefrequency (including the decimal point)you want to use as a starting point forthe search.Note: To start from a frequency alreadystored in one of your scanner'schannels, press MANUAL or PGM, enterthe desired channel number, then pressMANUAL or PGM again.2. Hold down 8888 or 9999 for a few secondsto search up or down. -d-, SRCH, and8888 or 9999 appear on the display.Notes:• To reverse the search direction at anytime, hold down 8888 or 9999 for a fewseconds.• To search up or down in the selectedband in small increments (in steps of5 or 12.5 kHz), press and release 8888or 9999.• To pause the search, press andrelease 8888 or 9999. To begin searchingagain, hold down 8888 or 9999.• To quickly move up or down throughthe frequencies, press and hold down8888 or 9999. The scanner tunes throughthe frequencies until you release 8888or 9999.3. When the scanner finds an activefrequency, it stops searching anddisplays the frequency. To store thedisplayed frequency in the lowestavailable channel, press PGM then pressENTER. The channel and frequencyflash twice, and the scanner stores thefrequency. The scanner continues tosearch for frequencies.Notes:• If there is no empty channel, Ch-FULL appears. To store morefrequencies, you must clear somechannels. “Clearing a StoredChannel” on Page 18. To continuesearching after Ch-FULL appears,press and hold down 8888 or 9999.