2IntroductionàIntroductionThank you for purchasing the RadioShack200-Channel VHF/AIR/UHF DesktopScanner. This scanner gives you directaccess to over 25,000 frequencies, includingthose used by police and fire departments,ambulance services, government agencies,air, and amateur radio services. You canselect up to 200 channels to scan, and youcan change your selection at any time.The secret to your scanner's ability to scanso many frequencies is its built-inmicroprocessor. Your scanner also hasthese special features:Four Service Banks — let you searchpreset frequencies in separate fire/police, air,ham radio, and marine banks, to make iteasy to locate specific types of calls.Two-Second Scan Delay — delaysscanning for 2 seconds before moving toanother channel, so you can hear morereplies.Ten Channel-Storage Banks — let youstore up to 20 channels in each of 10different banks, to group channels so youcan more easily identify calls.20 Monitor Memories — let you temporarilysave up to 20 frequencies you locate duringa search, so you can move selectedfrequencies to channel storage later.Memory Backup — keeps the channelfrequencies stored in memory for about 1hour during a power loss.HyperSearchTM and HyperScanTM — letyou set the scanner to search at up to 50steps per second and to scan at up to 25channels per second, to help quickly findinteresting transmissions.Duplicate Frequency Check —automatically notifies you if you are about tostore a frequency you have already stored,to help avoid wasting storage space.Direct Search — lets you search for newand unlisted frequencies starting from aspecified frequency.Priority Channel — lets you program afrequency in the priority channel to bescanned every 2 seconds so you do not missimportant calls.Weather Band (WX) Key — scans sevenpreprogrammed weather frequencies to keepyou informed about current weatherconditions.Weather Alert — automatically sounds thealarm tone to advise of hazardous weatherconditions when the scanner detects an alertsignal on the local NOAA weather channel.Lock-Out Function — lets you set yourscanner to skip over specified channels orfrequencies when scanning or searching.Liquid Crystal Display — makes it easy toview and change programming informationat any time.Display Backlight — makes the scannereasy to read in low light situations.Supplied Telescoping Antenna — lets thescanner receive strong local signals.External Antenna Terminal — lets youconnect an external antenna (not supplied)to the scanner.© 2001 RadioShack Corporation.All Rights Reserved.RadioShack and RadioShack.com are trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation.Hyperscan, Hypersearch, and Adaptaplug are trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation.