6PreparationàPreparationPOWER SOURCESUsing AC PowerYou can power the scanner using thesupplied 12V, 300mA AC adapter.Cautions:You must use a Class 2 powersource that supplies 12V DCand delivers at least 300 mA.Its center tip must be set to positive andits plug must fit the scanner's DC12Vjack. The supplied adapter meets thesespecifications. Using an adapter thatdoes not meet these specificationscould damage the scanner or theadapter.• Always connect the AC adapter to thescanner before you connect it to ACpower. When you finish, disconnect theadapter from AC power before youdisconnect it from the scanner.Warning: To prevent electric shock, do notuse the AC adapter’s polarized plug with anextension cord, receptacle, or other outletunless you can fully insert the blades toprevent blade exposure.Follow these steps to power the scannerfrom a standard AC outlet.1. Insert the AC adapter’s barrel plug intothe DC12V jack on the back of thescanner.2. Plug the adapter into a standard ACoutlet.Using Vehicle Battery PowerYou can power the scanner from a vehicle’s12V power source (such as cigarette-lightersocket) using a 12V, 300-mA DC cord and asize M Adaptaplug™ connector (neithersupplied). Both are available at your localRadioShack store.Cautions:You must use a power cordthat can carry 12V DC and atleast 300 mA. Its center tipmust be set to positive and its plug mustfit the scanner's DC12V jack. Using ancord that does not meet thesespecifications could damage thescanner or the cord.• Always connect the DC cord to thescanner before you connect it to thepower source. When you finish,disconnect the cord from the powersource before you disconnect it from thescanner.Follow these steps to power the scannerfrom a vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket.1. Connect the adaptaplug connector tothe DC cord so the tip reads positive (+).2. Insert the DC cord’s barrel plug into theDC12V jack on the back of the scanner.! !