28TroubleshootingàTroubleshootingIf your scanner stops operating properly, these suggestions might help you eliminate theproblem. If the scanner still does not operate properly, take it to your local RadioShack store forassistance.RESETTING/INITIALIZINGTHE SCANNERIf the scanner's display locks up or does notwork properly after you connect a powersource, you might need to reset or initializethe scanner.Important: If you have problems, first try toreset the scanner. If that does not work, youcan initialize the scanner; however, thisclears all information stored in yourscanner's memory.Resetting the Scanner1. Turn off the scanner, then turn it onagain.2. Insert a pointed object, such as astraightened paper clip, into the resetopening on the back of the scanner (asshown) and gently press then releasethe reset button inside the opening. Ifthe scanner still does not work properly,you might need to initialize the scanner.PROBLEM SUGGESTIONScanner is on, but will not scan. Be sure SQUELCH is adjusted properly. See “Turning On theScanner/Setting Volume and Squelch” on Page 14.Be sure MAN is not displayed. If it is, press SCAN.Scanner receives stations poorly ornot at all.Check the antenna (indoor or outdoor).Signals may be blocked from being received by the scanner dueto metal frames or material in the building. Changethe scanner’s location and try again.The scanner’s keys do not work, orthe display shows random segments.The scanner might be locked. Reset the scanner. If that doesnot work, reinitialize the scanner. See “Resetting/Initializing theScanner.”Scanner does not work at all. Check that the power supply (AC adapter/AC outlet) is working.The scanner might be locked. Reset the scanner. If that doesnot work, reinitialize the scanner. See “Resetting/Initializing theScanner.”Scanner locks on frequencies thathave an unclear transmission.Be sure SQUELCH is adjusted properly.Be sure birdie frequencies are not programmed, or listen tobirdie frequencies manually. See “Birdie Frequencies” onPage 22.