17Operation• If you entered a frequency that isalready stored in another channel, -dUPL- and the lowest-numberedchannel containing the duplicatefrequency flash for about 3 seconds.If you want to store the frequencyanyway, press ENTER again.• To store the displayed frequency inthe selected channel, press PGM,press the channel number you wantto use and press PGM again, thenpress ENTER. The channel andfrequency flash twice, and thescanner stores the frequency. Thenthe scanner continues to search forfrequencies.4. To store the frequency in the monitormemory, press MON/CL. M, the monitormemory number, and the frequencyflash twice.5. To search for another active frequency,hold down 8888 or 9999.USING THE MONITORMEMORYThe scanner has 20 monitor memories thatyou can use to temporarily store frequencieswhile you decide whether to save them intochannels. This is handy for quickly storing anactive frequency when you are searchingthrough an entire band. You can store afrequency into a monitor memory during aservice bank or direct search.You can select monitor memories manually,but you cannot scan them. See "Listening toa Monitor Memory Frequency."Listening to a Monitor MemoryFrequencyTo recall a frequency stored in the monitormemory, press MANUAL then MON/CL. M, themonitor memory number, and CH flash andthe current monitor memory frequencyappears. To select other monitor memories,enter the desired monitor memory's number(1–20), then press MON/CL again.Moving a Frequency from aMonitor Memory to a Channel1. Press PGM, enter the channel numberwhere you want to store the frequency,then press PGM again. PGM and theselected channel number appear.2. Press MON/CL. M, a monitor memorynumber, and CH flash, and the monitormemory frequency appear.3. Enter the desired monitor memory'snumber (1–20), then press MON/CLagain. The selected monitor memory'sfrequency appears.4. Press ENTER. The scanner stores thefrequency in the selected channel.5. To move another monitor memoryfrequency to the next channel, pressPGM and repeat Steps 2–4.SCANNING THE STOREDCHANNELSTo set the scanner to continuously scanthrough all channels with stored frequencies,press SCAN. SCAN and 8 appear, and thescanner begins to rapidly scan until it findsan active frequency.If the scanner finds an active frequency, itstops and displays that channel and