Load and Upgrade Set/ModifyThe fourth item [4. LOAD & UPGRADE SET UP] sets or modifies the IP phone’ssoftware version. Use extreme caution when upgrading the keyset. Only use thisif you are upgrading your IP keyset firmware.Select the [4. LOAD & UPGRADE SET UP] item and move to the lower level. Thescreen below is displayed.Select option [1. UPGRADE TFTP SERVER] and enter the IP address of the TFTPserver containing the ITP software. Use [0]-[9] and [] button to enter the IPaddress. Press SPEAKER to save.Select option [2. UPGRADE START] and press SPEAKER to start the upgradeprocess. Press HOLD to exit.System Server SetupFrom the Main Setup Menu, the fifth item [5. SYSTEM SERVER SET UP] sets ormodifies settings related to registering the phone to the main processor. You canobtain this information from your system administrator. The screen below is dis-played.You can set/modify the IP address of the main processor at the [1. SERVER IPADDRESS] item. The screen below is displayed when you enter the item. The serv-er IP is the IP address of the main processor.You can confirm the current IP address of the main processor at the LCD panel.The address is left blank if it is not set. Use the dial buttons from [0]-[9], and [] toset the IP address and press the SPEAKER button to save and exit. Select the [2.SERVER ID] menu. Use the HOLD button to backspace.131.UPGRADE TFTP SERVER2.UPGRADE STARTSetting IP Manually• From the “Network Mode Setup” Menu,select [1. MANUAL IP] and pressSPEAKER. Next, press the HOLD buttontwice to get to the NETWORK SETUPMENU as seen here.Enter the IP keyset’s IP address, the net-work’s netmask and gateway as shown.• Select the [2. IP ADDRESS SET UP]menu and press SPEAKER, the LCD willdisplay this message and the user canenter its IP address.Check if there is any currently saved IP address of the phone on the LCD. If the IPaddress has not been set, the LCD displays nothing. The user can enter the IPaddress using [0]-[9] dial buttons and [] button for entering a “.” Save that IPaddress by pressing the SPEAKER button. Use the HOLD button to backspace.• Select the [3. NETMASK SET UP] menuand press SPEAKER, the LCD will displaythe following message and the user canenter a new Netmask IP address. Use theHOLD button to backspace.Check if there is any currently saved subnet mask address of the phone on theLCD. If the subnet mask address has not been set, the display will show nothing.Press any dial buttons from [0]-[9] and [] button to enter the subnet mask IPaddress and then save that subnet mask IP address by pressing the SPEAKER but-ton. Use the HOLD button to backspace.• Select [4. GATEWAY SET UP] menu andpress SPEAKER, the LCD will display thefollowing message and the user canenter a new gateway address.Check if there is any currently saved Gateway IP address of the phone on the LCD.If the gateway IP address has not been set, the LCD displays nothing.The user canenter the gateway IP address by using [0]-[9] and [] button and can save that IPaddress by pressing the SPEAKER button. Use the HOLD button to backspace.NOTE: In the [3. NETWORK SET UP MENU], [1. NETWORK MODE SETUP] option,when [2. DHCP] is selected the IP address, Netmask, and Gateway will not be dis-played on the LCD. Press HOLD to exit to Main Menu.121.NETWORK MODE SET UP2.IP ADDRESS SET UP3.NETMASK SETUP4.GATEWAY SETUPINPUT IP ADDRESS & PRESS OKxxx.xxx.xxx.xxxINPUT NETMASK & PRESS OKxxx.xxx.xxx.xxxINPUT GATEWAY & PRESS OKxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx1.SERVER IP ADDRESSINPUT SERVER IP ADDRESSxxx.xxx.xxx.xxxINPUT SYSTEM ID