MENU STRUCTUREThe IP SETUP MENU is configured as follows:1. SYSTEM EASY WIZARDThis option will guide you through setting up all required parameters for con-necting the ITP keyset to your system.2. SYSTEM INFORMATION1. Version Info: Provides boot rom, software, DSP, and hardware versioninformation.2. Network Info: Displays network mode, IP address of phone, network, andgateway information.3. Netmask4. GatewayNote that items 2 to 4 are only displayed when setting Manual IP.3. NETWORK SETUPThis menu allows you to individually setup the same parameters found in theEasy Wizard.4. LOAD & UPGRADE SETUP1. Upgrade TFTP Server:The IP address of the TFTP server containing the ITPsoftware.2. Upgrade Start: Starts the ITP software upgrade process.5. SYSTEM SERVER SETUP1. Server IP Address: The main processor’s IP address.2. Server ID: The ID assigned to your ITP (see your phone administrator forthis information).3. Server Pass: The password assigned to your ITP (see your phone adminis-trator for this information).6. PHONE SETUP1. Idle Mode: Allow or Deny access to the Hot Desking (Idle Login) feature.7. FACTORY RESETThis option resets ITP to factory default settings.8. REBOOTThis option reboots the ITP.IP SETUP MENUTo enter the IP SETUP MENU, press the MENU button as soon as the ITP-5121Dphone is connected to the power supply or Power over Ethernet LAN port.When entering the IP setup menu, the LCD displays the following options:Other items not shown on screen when scrolling down (press down on navigationdisc):Once the IP SETUP MENU is displayed, you can move to each menu in the Set Upby using the navigation buttons.• The UP and DOWN directions buttons in the navigation button assembly areused to move the highlighted bar up or down to the desired option.• The LEFT and RIGHT buttons in the navigation button assembly are used tomove the highlighted bar left or right, to the desired option, move to a submenu and if a menu is at the last line, that menu option will be executed.• The [0]-[9] dial buttons are used to directly choose a menu, or sub menuoptions.• The [ENTER] button in the navigation button assembly is used when savinga modification.• The [MENU] button in the navigation button assembly is used to to displaythe IP Setup Main Menu.• The [END] button in the navigation button assembly is used when cancelingor editing the modification, or existing programming.• The [CANCEL] button in the navigation button assembly is used to go backto the previous screen or to delete the last digit of a displayed option value.>1.SYSTEM EASY WIZARD2.SYSTEM INFORMATION3.NETWORK SETUP4.LOAD & UPGRADE SETUP5.SYSTEM SERVER SETUP6.PHONE SETUP10 116.PHONE SETUP7.FACTORY RESET7.FACTORY RESET8.REBOOT