My Stuff 37• Go: lets you navigate Forward (next sequenced web page) orBackward (to the previously visited web page) through pages inyour browsing history.• Reload: reloads the current page with updated information.• Desktop View/Smart-Fit View: changes the display mode of thebrowser.• Page Size: change the page size of the displayed web page usingthe Right and Left Navigation keys to step the size up or down(there are 20 increments).• Go to Homepage: takes you back at any time to the homepage ofthe Wireless Web service provider.• Add to Favorites: bookmarks the current page and marks it as afavorite site.• View Favorites: accesses and displays the bookmarks assignedas favorite web pages.• Enter URL: allows you to manually enter the URL address of a WAPsite. After entering an address, press the Go to soft key to go theredirectly.• Copy URL to Message: send the URL of the current page toanother party as a message.• Save: saves either the image of the current web page or thecurrent page itself.• Advanced: allows you to change the following settings for thebrowser.– Clear Cache: deletes the information stored in the cache. The cachestores the most recently accessed pages.– Empty Cookies: delete cookies. Cookies are pieces of personalinformation sent to a web server while navigating the web.– Cookie Options: sets whether or not cookies are stored on your phone.If you select Prompt, the phone will ask you to save the cookies onevery page requiring cookies.– Preferences: changes the settings for the web browser to suit yourpreference.– Certificates: accesses certificate information from your phone.– Page Details: displays the properties for the currently active web page.– About Browser: displays the access version and copyright informationabout the browser.Media Clip OptionsWith the media currently active on the phone (either playing orpaused), press the Options soft key to open a list of the followingstreaming media options.Tip: Within the clips listed in the My Favorites section of your main CVhomepage, highlight the description and then press the key tobegin the stream.Pause/ResumeThis feature allows you to toggle the state of the current videobetween being Paused or Resuming playback.