Understanding Your Address Book 51• View: provides you with details about that contact entry. Press theBack soft key to return to the Address Book listing.• Video Share: allows you to share either a live video recording orrecorded video with a phone that is similarly equipped, and if bothSIMs have the feature enabled.• Call: allows you to call a currently selected entry.• Add New Contact: allows you to add a new entry to either your Phoneor SIM card.• Send Message: allows you to send a text message or a multimediamessage to the selected entry.• Edit: allows you to edit the properties of an entry such as: Name,Category, Group, or location. Press the key to save your changes.• Delete: allows you to delete either a selected address book entry ormultiple entries from a target location such as the Phone and/or SIMcard.• Send Business Card via: allows you to send a message to theselected entry which contains the information from an Address BookBusiness Card entry which you have on file.This can be sent as either a message or via Bluetooth.• More: allows you to access the following additional options:– Assign Speed Dial: allows you to set the speed dial key for this entry.– Add to Reject List: allows you to add the selected contact to the RejectList so that calls from this contact are rejected.– Copy to FDN Contacts: allows you to copy the selected contact to theFDN Contact list.– SIM Management: allows you to copy contacts to the SIM card, copycontacts from the SIM card, or delete contacts from the SIM card.– Print via Bluetooth: allows you send the selected contact entryinformation to a Bluetooth compatible printer.Adding a New ContactUse the following procedure to store a new contact to yourAddress Book. There are two starting methods: one, starting fromthe Address Book and adding a new contact; and the second,starting from the Idle screen and typing in the number. Thisprocedure uses the second starting method.1. In Idle mode, enter the phone number.2. Press the Options soft key, then select Save to AddressBook.3. Select the type of entry, either a New contact or Update toan existing contact.4. On the Select Type screen, choose the type of phonenumber being entered:• Mobile - Private• Mobile - Business• Landline - Private• Landline - Business• Fax