Understanding Your Address Book 55Address Book ➔ Address Book Settings ➔ FDNContacts.2. The FDN List screen displays. If there are no FDN numbersassigned, press the Add New soft key to add an FDNContact.3. You must enter your PIN2 password. This number isprovided to you by your Service Provider.4. Select the FDN Contact to call, or press the Options softkey to add additional contacts, change a contact, or deletea contact from the FDN List.Copy to FDN Contacts1. Highlight an entry in the Address Book, and select theCopy to FDN Contacts option.2. You must enter your PIN2 password. This number isprovided to you by your Service Provider.Group SettingsEditing a Caller Group1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key, then selectAddress Book ➔ Group.2. Highlight the target group entry.3. Press the Options soft key, then select Group Settings.The following options are then available:• Picture: allows you to view the assigned group image.• Ringtone: allows you to assign a ringtone for this group. Choosefrom the Tones already on your phone or select Shop Tones.4. Once you’ve made your changes, press the Options softkey, then select Save.5. When you are finished, press to return to Idle mode.Managing Address Book EntriesYou can copy, delete, and view the memory status for the Phoneand SIM entries on your phone.Copying an Entry to the SIM CardNote: When storing an Address Book entry into the SIM card, note that onlythe Name, Phone Number, Group, and Slot location are initiallydisplayed. To save additional information for a particular contact, suchas other phone numbers, or e-mail, it is important to add new fields tothat Contact information. It is also important to note that if you movethe SIM card to another phone that does not support additional fieldson the SIM card, this additional information may not be available.1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key, then selectAddress Book ➔ SIM Management ➔ Copy Contacts to