Message services100Connecting to the chat serviceTo connect to the chat service, and select Options →Login. Enter the user ID and password and press the OKsoft key. When the phone has successfully connected,“Login completed” is displayed.To disconnect from the chat service, select Logout.Starting a chat sessionYou can start a chat with your friends by various methods.Starting from the conversation listFrom the IM main view, select Conversations to view thelist of new and read chats or invitations to chats during theactive chat session.indicates new chat messages and indicatesinvitations.On the Conversations list, scroll to a conversation, pressthe Options soft key and select:• Open to open the conversation to start a chat session.• Delete to delete the invitation, if the selected item is aninvitation.• New conversation to start a new conversation. You canselect a participant from the Conversations list or enter theparticipant's ID manually, and then the phone sends aninvitation to her/him.• Set auto reply on to set the phone to send a preset replyautomatically when a participant sends you a message orinvitation.• Blocking options → Add to blocked list to blockmessages from the current participiant. Select Add ID tolist manually to add a contact to the blocking list or Viewblocked list to view blocked contacts. To unblock thecontact, select Unblock.