Entertainment64• : Adjust the contrast.• : Change the white balance mode.• : Change the colour tone.4. To start recording, press or select Options → Record.The timer on the top right of the screen shows you theelapsed time.To pause recording at any time, press the Pause soft key or. To resume, press the Continue soft key or .5. Press the Stop soft key, to stop recording.After the video clip has been saved:• To immediately play the video clip you just recorded, selectOptions → Play.• To access previously saved video clips, go to the Video clipsfolder in Gallery by selecting Options → Go to Gallery. Seepage 72.• To change the name of the video clip, select Options →Rename.• To return to the Video screen to record a new video clip,press or the Back soft key.Changing video optionsYou can configure the camera settings. These settings willbe applied to all subsequent videos that you take.On the Image screen, select Options → Settings:• Length: Select the recording time limit. If you select Short,the phone records a video of up to 100KB or 300 KB, whichis the limit for sending an MMS message. If you selectMaximum, the phone records a video to the limit of thememory remaining.• Video resolution: Select an image size. With 352x288,video quality cannot be quaranteed for fast motion.