Message services95Note: It may not be possible to receive a delivery report for amultimedia message that has been sent to an e-mailaddress.• Deny report sending: Select Yes if you do not want thenetwork to send delivery reports for received multimediamessages.• Message validity: If the recipient of a message cannot bereached within the specified validity period, the message isremoved from the MMS centre. Maximum time is themaximum amount of time allowed by the network for themessage to remian active.Settings for e-mailsFrom the Messaging main screen, select Options →Settings → E-mail.Select Mailbox in use, to select the mailbox you want touse.Select Mailboxes to open a list of mailboxes that havebeen defined. If no mailbox has been defined, press theYes soft key to confirm creating a mailbox. Set thefollowing mailbox parameters:Mailbox settings• Mailbox name: Enter a name for the mailbox.• Access point in use (Must be defined): This is the InternetAccess Point (IAP) used for the mailbox. Choose an IAP fromthe list. For more information on how to create an IAP, seealso “Connection settings” on page 142.• My e-mail address (Must be defined): Enter the e-mailaddress given to you by your service provider. The addressmust contain the @ character. Replies to your messages aresent to this address.