Message services86MailboxWhen you open this folder, you can connect to yourMailbox:• to retrieve new e-mail headings or messages, or• to view your previously retrieved e-mail headings ormessages offline.Note: When you create a new mailbox, the name you give to themailbox automatically replaces Mailbox in the Messagingmain view. You can have up to 6 mailboxes.Viewing e-mailsWhen you open a mailbox, you can choose whether youwant to view the previously retrieved e-mails and e-mailheadings offline, or connect to the e-mail server.Viewing e-mails when onlineWhen the phone asks you if you want to Connect tomailbox?, select Yes to connect to your mailbox. You canalso select Options → Connect.When you are online, you are continuously connected toyour mailbox via a packet data connection.Note: If you are using the POP3 protocol, e-mails are notupdated automatically in Online mode. To see the neweste-mails, you need to disconnect and then make a newconnection to your mailbox.Viewing e-mails when offlineWhen your phone is not connected to your mailbox, youview e-mails offline. This mode may help you to save onconnection costs, but you can access only previouslyretrieved e-mails.