Entertainment752. Select a file or playlist.For a music file, the MP3 player opens and the music filestarts playing. For details, see page 66.For a playlist, select Play. The Realplayer opens andplayback starts. See page 68.SoundsIn this folder, you can access sound clips you have recordedin Recorder, and sound files you have downloaded fromthe Internet or received in multimedia messages. .ra, .wav,.midi, .mmf, and .amr, files are supported.Playing sound clips1. On the Gallery main view, select Sounds.2. If necessary, select the subfolder you want.3. Select a sound clip or play list.The RealPlayer screen opens and the sound clip startsplaying. See page 68.LinksIn this folder, you can access RTSP links, allowing you toaccess audio and video streaming services.Accessing a link1. On the Media Gallery main view, select Links.2. Select a link.3. Press the Yes soft key to confirm the connection to theserver.