Managers159• Allow configuration: Device management allowed on thisserver, select Yes or No.• Auto-accept all reqs.: Automatic or approved devicemanagement on this server. Select Yes to allowsynchronisation without your verification, or select No toverify each synchronisation attempt.To add a new profile, from the Device manager mainscreen, select Options → New server profile.Starting a configurationTo start a configuration session, select Options → Startconfiguration. To disable or enable configurations fromthe server, select Options → Disable config./Enableconfig..Activation keysFor some media content, you may need activation keys toaccess them by the Digital Rights Management (DRM)system. You can buy these keys from the websites that ownthe rights.Activation keys allows you to manage the right keys youhave bought. Press to open the Menu, and the selectTool → Activ. keys.Accessing right keys1. Press the Left or Right key to scroll to the folder you want.2. Select the activation key you want. The details of the rightappears.