Office114• To return to one of your favourites, select the thumbnailimage of the page.• To delete one of your favourites, scroll to the thumbnailimage of the page and select Options → Delete favourite.Changing Viewer settingsSelect Options → Preferences. You can use the followingoptions:• Start From: Select what is displayed in the document viewwhen you first launch viewer. By default, when you first openthe Viewer application, a blank page displays on the screen.• Keep History: Set the period after which the thumbnailpictures and descriptions of pages are purged from thehistory memory.• Rotate: Select the direction the screen will be rotated whenthe Rotate (9) option is used.VoiceSignalYour phone provides a set of powerful voice-enabledfeatures that enhance the hands-free capabilities of yourphone.Using VoiceSignal, you can:• Make a call by saying any name from Contacts, withouthaving to train the system to recognise names.• Retrieve contact information for a person on the Contacts listby saying the person’s name.• Launch applications by voice.• Send an SMS message.Press and hold , or press to open the Menu and thenselect Office → VoiceSignal.