Office113Viewing HistoryThe history view shows you previously visited documentsas small thumbnail-images of the document, and thedocument’s name, location, and the date of your visit.To open the history view, select Options → History.• To view information about a document, scroll to thedocument you want and press the Info soft key.• To return to the most recently displayed document, selectOptions → Document.• To return to any of the documents from the history view,select the thumbnail image of that page.• To delete all of the documents in the history view, selectOptions → Clear all.Note: Documents will remain on the History list until a certainnumber of days have passed. You can control this period inthe Preferences option. See page 114.Viewing FavouritesFor your favourite documents, you can keep a list in thefavourites view. Before viewing favourites, you must firstadd the pages to your favourites. To open the favouritesview, select Options → Favourites.• To add the current page to your favourites, select Options →Add favourite. Enter the name you want and press the OKsoft key.• To return to the most recently displayed document, selectOptions → Document.• To view information about a document, scroll to thedocument you want and press the Info soft key.