Managers157Some applications may give the option of partialinstallation, allowing you to select the particularcomponents of the application that you want to install. Ifyou are installing an application without a digital signatureor a certificate, the phone warns you of the risks. Continuethe installation only if you are absolutely sure of the originand contents of the application.Note: To send your installation log to a help desk so that they cansee what has been installed or removed, select Options →Send log → a sending method.Installation settingsYou can change the settings for application installation.From the Application manager main view, select Options →Settings.• Software installation: Select whether or not to allowsoftware installation.• Online certif. check: Select whether or not the phone mustcheck online certificates for installing applications.• Default web address: Enter the URL address of the defaultwebpage for checking online certificates.Removing applications1. Scroll to an application and select Options → Remove.2. Press the Yes soft key.If another application depends on the application that youremoved, the other application may stop working. Refer tothe documentation of the installed application for details.