TASCAM HS-2 23l Time display areaThe times displayed in each region depend on thetime display mode as shown in the following table.Left end Right end00:00:00:00 Total take or entry lengthTotal take or entry length 00:00:00:0000:00:00:00 Total session or playlistlengthTotal session or playlistlength 00:00:00:00Starting time of session orplaylistEnding time of session orplaylistDuring recording and recording standby, however, thetime bar and division lines are not shown.; Flash Page number and knobThis shows the Flash Page number. Touch this area toenable selection (yellow background), and turn theDATA dial to change the page number (turn right toincrease and turn left to decrease).z Current time cursorThis cursor shows the playback position and scrollshorizontally in correspondence with the time counter.It is not shown during recording (take mode only).x Mark nameThis is the name of the mark at the current time or thenearest preceding mark.When the name of a mark other than any automaticmark is shown, touch this area to open the MARKNAME editing screen.c INPUT MONITOR buttonThis is the same as on the Home Screen in timelinemode.v EDIT buttonTouch this button to open a pull-up menu for takeediting.b NEXT TAKE NAME buttonThis is the same as on the Home Screen in timelinemode.2−Names and functions of parts