May 2020 Service and Repair ManualBoom ComponentsPart No. 1271700GT SX™-105 XC™ • SX™-125 XC™ 594-3Boom Lift CylinderHow to Remove the Boom LiftCylinderBodily injury hazard. Thisprocedure requires specific repairskills, lifting equipment and asuitable workshop. Attemptingthis procedure without theseskills and tools could result indeath or serious injury andsignificant component damage.Dealer service is stronglyrecommended.Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must bereplaced and then torqued to specification duringinstallation.Refer to Specifications, Hydraulic Hose andFitting Torque Specifications.1 Raise the boom until there is approximately4 feet / 1.2 m between the turntable and boomrest pad.2 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead craneor other suitable lifting device to the rod endof the boom lift cylinder.3 Attach an overhead 10 ton / 10,000 kg craneto the platform end of the boom for support.Do not lift the boom.4 Remove the boom storage area coverretaining fasteners. Remove the cover fromthe machine.5 Place support blocks under the boom liftcylinder.6 Remove the pin retaining fastener from theboom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Use a softmetal drift to remove the pin. Protect thecylinder rod from damage.Crushing hazard. The boom liftcylinder may fall when the rod-end pivot pin is removed if theboom lift cylinder is not properlysupported by the overheadcrane.Crushing hazard. The boommay fall when the rod-end pivotpin is removed if the boom isnot properly supported by theoverhead crane.7 Carefully raise the boom with the overheadcrane until the rod end of the boom liftcylinder can be removed..8 Carefully lower the rod end of the boom liftcylinder down onto the support blocks.9 Carefully raise the boom with the overheadcrane until the barrel end of the boom liftcylinder is accessible.10 Tag, disconnect and plug the boom liftcylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the fitting on thecylinder.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.