May 2020 Service and Repair ManualGround ControlsPart No. 1271700GT SX™-105 XC™ • SX™-125 XC™ 816-3Membrane DecalThe membrane decal is a special decal thatconsists of a decal with an electronic membraneon the backside. The membrane contains touchsensitive areas that, when pushed, activate themachine functions. The membrane contains touchsensitive areas that activate the machinefunctions.How to Replace the MembraneDecal1 Turn the key switch to the off position andpush in the red Emergency Stop button to theoff position at both the ground and platformcontrols.2 Remove the ground control box lid fasteners.3 Open the ground control box.4 Carefully disconnect the two ribbon cablesfrom the membrane decal at the ECM circuitboard.Electrocution/burn hazard.Contact with electrically chargedcircuits could result in death orserious injury. Remove all rings,watches and other jewelry.Component damage hazard.Electrostatic discharge (ESD)can damage printed circuit boardcomponents. Maintain firmcontact with a metal part of themachine that is grounded at alltimes when handling printedcircuit boards OR use agrounded wrist strap.5 Carefully remove the membrane decal fromthe control box lid while guiding the ribboncables out of the control box lid.6 Remove any decal adhesive from the controlbox lid with a mild solvent.Note: Do not allow any solvent to come in contactwith the LCD display screen.7 Install the new membrane decal while guidingthe ribbon cables through the control box lid.8 Connect the ribbon cables to the ECM circuitboard.9 Close the control box lid and install theretaining fasteners.