May 2020 Service and Repair ManualBoom ComponentsPart No. 1271700GT SX™-105 XC™ • SX™-125 XC™ 614-4Extension CylindersThe primary boom extension cylinder is locatedinside the boom assembly and incorporates cablesand pulleys that are responsible for extending thenumber 2 and 3 boom tubes. The secondary boomextension cylinder (SX-125 XC models) is locatedunderneath the number 0 boom tube and isresponsible for extending the number 1 boomtube. The extension cylinders are equipped withcounterbalance valves to prevent movement in theevent of a hydraulic line failure.How to Remove the PrimaryBoom Extension CylinderBodily injury hazard. Thisprocedure requires specific repairskills, lifting equipment and asuitable workshop. Attemptingthis procedure without theseskills and tools could result indeath or serious injury andsignificant component damage.Dealer service is stronglyrecommended.Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must bereplaced and then torqued to specification duringinstallation.Refer to Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and FittingTorque Specifications.1 Raise the boom to a horizontal position.2 Remove the retaining fasteners from theboom end cover at the pivot end of the boom.Remove the cover from the machine.3 Remove the access covers.4 Secure the number 2 and number 3 boomtubes together with a strap or chain to preventthem from moving.5 Unhook length transducer from the cableguard.6 Disconnect the wiring connector from thelength transducer.7 Remove the transducer bracket retainingfastener.8 Remove the length transducer with thebracket.9 Remove the cable clamp from the cable breaklimit switch wiring.1 cable break limit switch10 Disconnect the wiring connector from thecable break limit switch.