UniPOS Interactive Fire ControlPanel IFS7002Instruction Manual Page 39Revision 2.05 Of 107When you press buttonand the arrow „>>” is visible (Go tofield is empty) a screen displayingthe parameters of the selectedaddressable input appears:The screen provides thefollowing information:− Number and text of the textmessage that will be seen ifthe addressable input istriggered (the message shallbe set in advance);− The number of theaddressable outputs that willbe triggered upon activationof the input;− A list of the addressableoutputs or the message No addressable outputs activated by this input.12.2.10. Menu ArchiveThe menu provides information for all events saved in the energy independent memory of the firecontrol panel.The following events are registered in the fire control panel: fire condition, disables, test mode,fault condition and general conditions. For each event are displayed: number of the event as per theselected filter (total; fire conditions; fault conditions; period), serial number of the event in the archive,event code, event time and some specific information depending on the event type.The code and the specific information for events from the type Fire condition areEvent character Event code Specific informationFire alarm zone in Firecondition stage I uponactivation of a deviceFire1Fire alarm zone in Firecondition stage II uponactivation of a device (manualcall point)Fire2Response from a device in azone already in Fire condition,without changes in the firephaseFireZone number;Loop where the device is integrated;Device number in the loop;Text message of the zone;Text message of the deviceFire alarm zone in Firecondition stage II where TimeFire Phase 1 – Phase 2 hasexpiredFire 2 Zone number;Text message of the zoneFire alarm zone in Pre FireCondition PreFireFire alarm zone exited PreFire PreFire resetZone number;Loop where the device is integrated;Device number in the loop;Text message of the zone;Text message of the deviceFire control panel exited Firecondition Fire reset –Mode:DAY 17:35:07 Mon 14 Маr 2005FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSParameters: Input Lp1 Аddr9.1Text message №1Text MessageList of addressable Outputs Total: 11Lp1 Аddr10.2 Lp1 Аddr11 Lp1 Аddr13.3Lp1 Аddr10.3 Lp1 Аddr12 Lp1 Аddr13.4Lp1 Аddr10.4 Lp1 Аddr13.1 Lp1 Аddr13.5Lp1 Аddr10.5 Lp1 Аddr13.2