UniPOS Interactive Fire ControlPanel IFS7002Instruction Manual Page 80Revision 2.05 Of 107If the new address is out of thespecified range, button isignored. Otherwise a commandscreen appears where you shallconfirm the readdressing:The following information isdisplayed on the screen:− The new address that will beassigned to the device;− The text message specifiedfor this address;− Message Different device ID– only when the ID number ofthe device is different thanthe number for this addresssaved in the control panel;− Message Different device type – only when the device type is different than the type saved forthis addres in the control panel;− Message Different device class – only when the temperature class of the device is differentthan the class saved in the control panel.When you press button the readdressing is cancelled and the screen for selection of newaddress is reverted.When you press button the readdressing is completed and the screen for selection ofdevices that shall be excluded from the service zone is reverted (or the screen with the message Theservice zone is empty).13.7.4. Menu Exclude devicesThe menu allows the user toexclude or include separateaddressable devices:All 250 (125 in each loop)addressable devices are accessiblewhether included physically to thefire alarm loops or not. In the middleof the heading is displayed the totalnumber of devices included in bothloops.For each device is displayed:− Its consecutive number, theloop it is included in and itsaddress in the loop – in thetop line;− The text message – in theline beneath.The devices obtain numbers according to the sequence:− Devices in Loop 1 – numbers from 1 tо 125;− Devices in Loop 2 – numbers from 126 tо 250.The selected device is pointed by arrow – „>>”.Mode:DAY 9:49:43 Mon 28 Mar 2005Exclude Devices Devices total: 63 Go to:>> 1 Lp1 Аddr1Point 1.0012 Lp1 Аddr2Point 1.0023 Lp1 Аddr3Point 1.0034 Lp1 Аddr4Point 1.0045 Lp1 Аddr5Point 1.0056 Lp1 Аddr6Point 1.0060 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СMode:DAY 18:13:51 Fri 25 Mar 2005Readdressing Lp1 Аddr2New address:3Point 1.003Different Device IDDifferent Device TypeDifferenet Device ClassSave new Data?– confirm– cancel