UniPOS Interactive Fire ControlPanel IFS7002Instruction Manual Page 56Revision 2.05 Of 10713.4.2. Menu Device parametersThe menu is used to set up the parameters of the devices integrated in the fire alarm loop Enterthe menu to display:− If no devices are included in the loop – a screen with the message No devices included; theonly option is to exit the menu;− If some devices are includedin the loop – a screen whereyou may select the devicewhose parameters are to beset up:For each device are displayed:− Its number (address) in theloop – in the top line;− Text message – in the linebeneath.The current device is pointed byarrow – „>>”.Buttons and at the rightpanel side are visualized if more thanone device is available in the loop;the Go to field on the panel headingand the digit buttons appear if morethan 7 devices are available in the loop. Press a digit button, the Go to field is activated and a random3-digit address for each device in the loop can be entered. To edit the address use button ; pressit and the last entered digit will be deleted.Press button after you entered a number in the Go to field; then the device whose addressis in the field will be selected:− If the number is 0, the device having address 1 will be selected;− If the number is higher than the actual number of devices in the loop, the device having thehighest address number will be selectedSimultaneously, the number in the Go to field will be deleted, i.e. the field is deactivated.Press button after you entered a number in the Go to field and the field will be deactivated.Press button when the Go to field is empty and a menu containing a group of parametersfor the selected device will be displayed:− Menu Device parameters;− Screen Text message.Mode: DAY 15:34:53 Tue 22 Mar 2005SetUp Loop 1 Devices Total: 37 Go to:>>Аddr1Point 1.001Аddr2Point 1.002Аddr3Point 1.003Аddr4Point 1.004Адddr5Point 1.005Аddr6Point 1.006Аddr7Point 1.0070 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СС