UniPOS Interactive Fire ControlPanel IFS7002Instruction Manual Page 79Revision 2.05 Of 10713.7.3. Menu ReaddressingThe menu allows the user to exclude an addressable device from the service zone. Enter themenu to display:− If no devices are available in the service zone – a screen with the message The service Zoneis empty; the only option is to exit the menu.− If some devices are includedin the service zone – ascreen for the selection ofdevice that shall be excludedfrom the service zone:For each device is displayed theloop it is included in and its addressin the loop.The current device is pointed byarrow – „>>”.The field Go to in the headingand the digit buttons are visualized ifmore than 13 devices are available inthe service zone.When you press a digit button,the Go to field is activated and youcan enter a random 3-digit numberfor a device in the service zone. Toedit the number use button , which will delete the last digit you entered.When you press button and a number is already entered in the Go to field, the devicewhose number in the service zone is in the field will be selected:− If the number is 0, the first device in the service zone will be selected;− If the number is higher than the actual number of devices in the service zone, then the devicehaving the highest number in the service zone will be selected.Simultaneously, the number in the Go to field is deleted, i.e the field is deactivated.When you press button and a number is entered in the Go to field, the field will bedeactivated.When you press buttonand the Go to field is empty, a screenfor selection of new address for thedevice appears:As supplementary information isvisualized the address range wherethe new address of the device can beselected from.To enter the new address usethe digit buttons. Press button todelete the digit to the left of thecursor.СMode:DAY 17:04:39 Fri 25 Mar 2005Readdressing Lp1 Аddr2New address: _From address: 2To address: 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СMode:DAY 16:44:26 Fri 25 Mar 2005Readdressing Total Devices: 015 Go to:>> 1 Lp1 Аddr12 Lp1 Аddr23 Lp1 Аddr34 Lp1 Аddr45 Lp1 Аddr106 Lp1 Аddr117 Lp2 Аddr18 Lp2 Аddr29 Lp2 Аddr310 Lp2 Аddr1411 Lp2 Аddr1512 Lp2 Аddr1613 Lp2 Аddr170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СС