XES COMMAND LANGUAGE MODE— Slice 4 is 15 % and is filled with pattern 12; it is offset by10 pixels.— Slice 5 is 25% and is filled with pattern 17; it is offset by10 pixels.Enter:Egp5;450,450,285,20/10,30/13/10,10/2/50,15/12/ 10,25/17/10LFigure 2-34. Creating a pie chartMore about Graphic Pie ChartWhen creating a pie slice, the printer subtracts the line thicknessof the figure from its radius, then uses the remainder as thelocation of the seed point.For example, in Figure 2-34, the line thickness of the figure is fivepixels. Five pixels is subtracted from the radius. This is the seedpoint for the fill pattern.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 2-105