LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONClear Horizontal MarginsPurpose The Clear Horizontal Margins command causes the left and rightmargins to be reset to their default values at the left and rightedges of the printable area.Syntax E 9Hex 1B 67 39Dec 27 103 57Top MarginPurpose The Top Margin command sets the distance between the top ofthe printable area and the top of the text regardless of paperorientation. The top margin is defined as a number of lines. Theheight of the lines is determined by the Vertical Motion Index(VMI) command, which sets the vertical spacing of lines. TheVMI is used as a unit of measurement for setting the margin, butonce set, the margin does not change with later VMI commands.Syntax E &l#Ewhere # is the number of the line on which text starts.Example To set the top margin at six lines, enter:E &l6EHex 1B 26 6C 36 45Dec 27 38 108 54 69Text LengthPurpose The Text Length command sets the number of lines on whichtext may be printed. If the Vertical Motion Index (VMI) is zero, orthe sum of the text length and the top margin is greater than thelength of the printable area, the command is ignored.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 3-23