LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONExample To feed from the lower tray (2) enter:E &l4HHex 1B 26 6C 34 48Dec 27 38 108 52 72Page SizePurpose The Page Size command determines the physical size of paper,which sets the limits of the logical page. The top, left, and rightmargins are set to the defaults for the size of paper chosen, as isthe text length. Automatic macro overlays are turned off, andany unprinted data is printed.If the paper size requested is not available in the paper tray(s), amessage requesting the correct paper tray is displayed on theprinter control panel.Syntax E &l#Awhere # is one of the paper or envelope sizes in table 3-4.Note: Envelopes must be fed manually through the feeder.Example To print on legal-size paper enter:E &l3AHex 1B 26 6C 33 41Dec 27 38 108 51 653-18 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE